
What Do Prenatal Vitamins Have In Them

What Are Prenatal Vitamins?

Prenatal vitamins are supplements made for pregnant women to give their bodies the vitamins and minerals needed for a healthy pregnancy. Your doctor may suggest that you take them when you begin to plan for pregnancy, as well as while you’re pregnant. Eating a healthy diet is always a wise idea — especially during pregnancy.
It’s also a good idea to take a prenatal vitamin to help cover any nutritional gaps in your diet.

What To Look For In Prenatal Vitamins

Prenatal vitamins help ensure that you get the nutrients you need for a healthy pregnancy. Look for prenatal vitamins that have: 400 micrograms (mcg) of folic acid

400 IU of vitamin D

200 to 300 milligrams (mg) of calcium

70 mg of vitamin C

3 mg of thiamine

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2 mg of riboflavin

20 mg of niacin

6 mcg of vitamin B12

10 mg of vitamin E

15 mg of zinc

17 mg of iron

150 micrograms of iodine In some cases, your doctor will give you a prescription for a certain type of prenatal vitamin.

Essential Nutrients For Your Growing Baby

Folic acid, calcium, and iron are a few of the most important vitamins and minerals for a developing baby. Iron boosts oxygen supply in your blood and your baby’s blood, while calcium is important for bone growth. Most of the time, you get enough of these essential nutrients and more through a healthy diet.
But prenatal vitamins act as a backup while you’re pregnant, ensuring you and your baby are as healthy as possible. Talk to Dr. Van Kirk about your health and any supplements you’re taking so he can help you decide what type of prenatal vitamin is right for you.

The Benefits Of Prenatal Vitamins

The number one benefit of prenatal vitamins is supporting your baby’s health.
Prenatal vitamins ensure your body has what it needs as your baby grows and develops, filling any gaps that might be in your diet. Women of reproductive age who are pregnant or considering pregnancy should take prenatal vitamins. If you’re thinking about getting pregnant, it’s a good idea to start a prenatal vitamin regime before conception.
Take the recommended dosage of all vitamins and supplements during pregnancy.

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