
What In Prenatal Vitamins Makes You Nauseous

This article aims to clear any doubts and questions you may have about this subject and we will do our best to do so.

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So We Can Probably Agree That When Battling An Iffy Stomach While Pregnant, The Last Thing Someone Wants To Deal With Is A Prenatal Multivitamin That Makes Them Feel Worse, Right?

The good news is that there are certain things to look for in a prenatal multivitamin that might be able to offer some comfort—as well as some strategies that can at least help you manage stomach irritation throughout your pregnancy. (Spoiler—the kind of multivitamin you choose matters.). You might already know that it’s tricky for doctors to pinpoint the exact cause of stomach irritation in individual pregnant people, since there are usually a few different contributing factors.
(You guessed it: It may have something to do with the multivitamin.

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What Are Some Prenatal Vitamin Side Effects?

But even good, nourishing things can come with a few hiccups. Or maybe you’ve noticed other symptoms, like you’re always really itchy.

So, What’S In Prenatal Vitamins?

And Why Do They Sometimes Cause Annoying Side Effects?

Here’s what to know about prenatal vitamins and side effects and what you can do about them.

Why Do You Need Prenatal Vitamins?

Prenatal vitamins are also called prenatal supplements because they contain vitamins along with minerals and other nutrients you and your growing baby need. For example, folic acid in a prenatal vitamin is needed to help your baby grow a healthy spinal cord and nervous system. Vitamin A is needed for healthy eyes. Prenatal vitamins can help fill nutritional food gaps and make sure you and your baby have all the vitamins and minerals you need for a healthy pregnancy and birth. They can even help keep you healthy after your delivery while you breastfeed. Not all prenatal vitamins are the same. Ask your doctor about the best one for you. Remember: the benefits of prenatal vitamins outweigh the side effects — as long as you take them exactly as directed. Try these tips to avoid or reduce side effects from prenatal vitamins: Take your prenatal vitamin regularly and in the exact prescribed dosage. Don’t take a prenatal vitamin on an empty stomach — take prenatal vitamins with food or after a meal. Drink a full glass of water to wash down a prenatal vitamin. Swallow the prenatal vitamin whole. Do not chew, cut, break, crush, or open a prenatal vitamin.

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Your Prenatal Vitamin Might Make You Nauseous

It is also recommended that women who are trying to conceive or who are breastfeeding take prenatal vitamins as an insurance policy against the irregular diet.

But What Difficulties May Occur Due To These Vitamins?

You can try changing prenatal vitamin brands. If that doesn’t seem to make a difference, consider taking your vitamins at night, right before you go to bed. You Might Have Difficulty Remembering to Take It Daily

There are various tricks you can use to jog your memory.
Try changing the time of day you take your vitamin or purchase a pill reminder case. Leave your vitamins somewhere you can’t help but see them. There are women who make their constipation disappear by switching from a pill form to liquid vitamins, or even by going to a different brand entirely that contains less iron.
You can also ease pill-related constipation by being very careful with your diet. It Can Be Difficult to Swallow

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If you experience difficulty swallowing your vitamins, try switching brands or cutting caplets and tablets in half. Some women even prefer liquid vitamins.
These issues are common. You can also get over-the-counter (OTC) prenatal vitamins. Bring them with you to your appointment to confirm with your doctor that they have everything you need, or have your health care practitioner tell you what should be in the.

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