
What Is K2 Vitamin Potassium

This isn’t an easy topic to write about nor is it an easy topic to find information about since it’s quite complex, however, we will share with you as much information as possibly can about this subject so that you no longer have any questions left un-answered by the end of this article.

How Do Vitamin K And Potassium Compare?

The body cannot product potassium on its own and can only make small amounts of vitamin K. As a result, it’s important to consume these nutrients through food. Healthcare providers often give vitamin K1 supplements to infants just after birth to prevent vitamin K deficiency bleeding (VKDB). It’s also the most common type of vitamin K in the human diet They’re often present in animal products and fermented foods. Gut bacteria also produce small amounts of menaquinones However, the amount of vitamin K2 the gut produces varies.
Further, scientists need to do more research to investigate how vitamin K2 produced by the gut may influence health Potassium overview Potassium is a mineral that functions as an electrolyte within the human body. Summary Unlike vitamin K, potassium is not a vitamin — it’s a mineral.
To keep the body working properly, consume both nutrients in foods or supplements.

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So, What’S The Difference?

Let’s go through their differences. K1, also known as phylloquinone, is usually found in leafy green vegetables and is the most common type of vitamin K in the human diet.
They’re usually found in animal products and fermented foods. Small amounts of them can also be found in gut bacteria. The recommended daily value of vitamin K is 120 micrograms for adults, and you can mostly get it from food, although some people take vitamin K supplements.
Potassium has a lot of important functions and helps maintain: water balance

blood pH

blood pressure

muscle movement

communication between neurons

regular heartbeat It’s essential to keep blood potassium levels within the normal limits in order to maintain good health.


It counteracts the effects of sodium, helping you maintain normal blood pressure levels. Potassium also plays a role in digestion and building proteins, and helps maintain the proper balance between acids and bases in the body.

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Sources Of Potassium

Many foods contain potassium, so it isn’t common for people to be deficient in potassium unless they suffer from certain health problems — although not everyone consumes the recommended dietary allowance for adults of 4,700 milligrams per day. Some of the better sources of potassium include citrus juices, bananas, tomatoes, cantaloupes, avocados, potatoes, lima beans, meat, poultry, cod, flounder and salmon. Vitamin K

The main function of vitamin K is helping your blood to clot.
Sources of Vitamin K.

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