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What Is The Healthiest Multivitamin

Amid the trendy branding, influencer campaigns, and ever-evolving opinions on nutrition out there, what should be considered the single most foundational supplement for supporting our health and vitality has somehow become pretty darn complicated.


But what does a “good” multivitamin really look like?

Here are our top picks.

A Quick Look At The Best Multivitamins For Men

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What To Look For In A Multivitamin For Women

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Though multivitamins are especially beneficial for women who are pregnant or looking to conceive, women following vegan diets, or picky eaters, many other women can benefit from taking a multivitamin daily—or for shorter periods of time, like if you’re traveling frequently or experiencing high levels of stress. However, the efficacy of multivitamins will depend on the product, consistency of consumption, and what your individual goals are. What to Look for in a Multivitamin for Women

Third-party testing

This is one of the best indications that you’re choosing a quality multivitamin, says Brigid Titgemeier, functional medicine registered dietitian and founder of My Food is Health.
A few to look for:, NSF International, Informed-Choice, and US Pharmacopeial Convention (USP). Your nutrient needs will vary greatly based on the stage you’re in, particularly when it comes to things such as iron, folate, and calcium. These will be listed as “other ingredients” on the ingredient panel, she says, and it’s important to make sure that they align with your dietary needs and preferences.
Read on to learn more about the best multivitamins for wome.

Our Favorite Multivitamins

One-third of Americans take a multivitamin/multimineral supplement, it’s not surprising that health food stores and your Instagram feed alike have become absolutely overrun with all sorts of multi-brands promising to be the best in the game. Amid the trendy branding, influencer campaigns, and ever-evolving opinions on nutrition out there, what should be considered the single most foundational supplement for supporting our health and vitality has somehow become pretty darn complicated.
The sea of options out there these days is nothing short of overwhelming—but don’t let the decision fatigue stop you from making a multi a daily habit, which really is a worthwhile investment in your health. Here are our top pick.

What Are Multivitamins?

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