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What Is The Purest Form Of Vitamin E

There are no added oils, diluents, or other tocopherols. The careful extraction process gives a clear vitamin E oil, thus the name Clear Base. Clear Base Vitamin E may crystallize at cooler temperatures.
Vitamin E is an antioxidant that protects cell membranes and helps prevent free radical damage to the body. * It supports the cardiovascular system and general health.

268Mg (400 Iu)

There are no added oils, diluents, or other tocopherols. The careful extraction process gives a clear vitamin E oil, thus the name Clear Base. This does not affect product quality or effectiveness.

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Garden of Life Vitamin Code Raw Vitamin E SHOP NOW AT Amazon Price: $$$

Vitamin Code Raw Vitamin E from Garden of Life is made with organic fruits and vegetables that are naturally rich in vitamin E. Because it uses cellulose (as opposed to gelatin) to make the softgel capsule, it’s also vegan. This supplement provides 833% of the DV for vitamin E per serving and contains the other fat-soluble vitamins — vitamins A, D, and K.

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Because fat-soluble vitamins can build up in your fat cells in excess, it’s important to not exceed the recommended dose on the product packaging, nor the one your healthcare provider instructed you to take. Fat-soluble vitamin toxicity may cause severe complications like stroke or excessive bleeding The supplement is third-party certified for sport by NSF International — meaning it’s appropriate for athletes. It’s also certified gluten-free by NSF.

What Is (Are) Vitamin E?

Vitamin E is a lipid-soluble phenolic cellular antioxidant compound obtained from plant sources in the diet.
It is a collective term for a family of eight homologues (stereoisomers) molecules that are synthesized naturally by plants from homogentisic acid. It is a series of organic compounds consisting of various methylated phenols. All eight are derivatives of six-chromanol (a chromanol ring with an alcohol hydroxy group), differing between them in the number and position of methyl groups, and a 12-carbon aliphatic side-chain.
The compounds can act as an antioxidant by donating a hydrogen atom to reduce free radicals, and have a hydrophobic side chain, which allows for penetration into biological membranes. The eight homologues are split into two groups: tocopherols and tocotrienols. Both the tocopherols and tocotrienols have four homologues each, named: alpha, beta, gamma and delta.
All of these various derivatives with vitamin E activity are technically referred to collectively as “vitamin E.”

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Historically, only one of those eight appeared to have the most nutritional importance, the d-alpha-tocopherol isomer form. It is what is commonly called vitamin E” on nutrition/supplement labels, and also the only form that can referred to as the RDA for vitamin E. Alpha-tocopherols naturally occur in the d- isomer form, which is more active than the synthetic racemic dl- isomer form. The alpha form of tocopherol was originally designated d-alpha-tocopherol on the basis of its optical activity.
The International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC) now advocates using an R & S system of stereoisomer designation, instead of current d- & l- prefixes, but this has not yet happened. The alpha-tocopherol form constitutes 90 percent of the tocopherol found in humans, with the largest quantities in blood and tissues. Normal blood plasma consists of 83-percent d-alpha-tocopherol and 13-percent d-gamma-tocopherol.
It has been found that long-term supplementation with just an d-alpha-tocopherol vitamin E supplement results in blood plasma levels of d-gamma-tocopherols being lowered by 30 to 50 percent. As a result, some researchers now recommend, to those who are interested in taking a vitamin E supplement, to select one with mixed tocopherols.

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