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What Is Usp Vitamins

Usp stands for the U.S. Pharmacopeial Convention, which is an organization that bridges the gap between lack of government scrutiny of dietary supplements and the consumer’s need for safe vitamins. The USP independently evaluates supplements for quality, purity and potency. Vitamins that pass the tests may put the USP mark of approval on the product’s label.

Fda Regulations

While the FDA investigates side effects and monitors the marketplace for unsafe products, it does not test or approve vitamins before they’re sold to the public.

U.S. Pharmacopoeia

The USP is a non-profit organization that tests and reports on the quality of supplements through its USP Dietary Supplement Verification Program. It also publishes “The United States Pharmacopeia and The National Formulary,” or USP-NF.
This book, which defines quality standards for drugs and dietary supplements, is created through the collaboration of scientists from industry, academia and government, and then subjected to review and comments from the public before the standards are finalized. Usp Verification Process

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Vitamin manufacturers are not required to participate in the USP verification program, but if they voluntarily submit their vitamins to the organization, it conducts a variety of tests to ensure the quality and purity of the products. They perform an on-site evaluation of the manufacturing facility to check for safe and sanitary procedures.
The USP staff make sure the vitamins dissolve properly and don’t contain harmful contaminants. After the vitamin is initially verified, they perform ongoing random testing of the product so that the manufacturer continues to meet the standards.

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Is There Really Any Difference?

While dietary supplements are subject to some regulation, there are currently no requirements for these products to adhere to public quality standards. Fortunately, quality standards for dietary supplements do exist and reputable manufacturers use them to test and verify that their products meet established specifications and acceptance criteria. Some of these manufacturers go a step further and voluntarily participate in third party verification programs.
Usp offers verification programs for both dietary supplement ingredients and finished products and applies the same rigor to its verification services as it does to its quality standards, which are required by law for medicines. So, when you’re standing in the vitamin aisle choosing between different brands, you can identify those that have voluntarily undergone and met the evaluation criteri.

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What Is Usp Verified?

Only those products that meet USP’s stringent criteria are permitted to display the USP Verified Mark on their label.
To learn more about why the USP Verified Mark is a recognized symbol of quality visit

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