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What Is Vanadium In Vitamins

What Other Drugs Interact with Vanadium?

Vanadium has no known serious interactions with other drugs. Vanadium has mild interactions with at least 26 different drugs.

Dietary Sources

Most studies on vanadium have been animal studies. Scientists don’t know whether taking vanadium at those levels is safe — or whether it actually works. Other studies suggest that vanadium has no effect on blood sugar levels.
In fact, one clinical trial examining vanadium use in athletes found no benefit at al.

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Dium complexes have become an object of interest due to their therapeutic potential in several diseases. In addition, vanadium salts may also normalize blood pressure and play a key role in the metabolism of the thyroid and of iron as well as in the regulation of total cholesterol, cholesterol HDL and triglyceride (TG) levels in blood.
Moreover, in cases of hypoxia, vanadium compounds may improve cardiomyocytes function. They may also exhibit both carcinogenic and anti-cancer properties. Therefore, any studies on the potential use of vanadium compounds as supplements to support the treatment of a number of diseases must be strictly monitored for adverse effect.

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Vanadium forms are typically used as a dye and colour-fixer in foods and supplements. One of them, Vanadyl sulfate, has been used to increase insulin sensitivity in supplements and has therefore been targeted at diabetes sufferers and the body-building market. The AFC Panel stated: “Based on the available information on bioavailability of vanadium and the conclusions of the NDA panel (​dietetic products, nutrition and food allergies), the AFC Panel concluded that the safe use of the six sources for vanadium added to foods intended for the general population, including food supplements, and foods for particular nutritional uses, could not be established.
“​ The UK Food Standard Agency’s Expert Group on Vitamins and Minerals (EVM) reached a similar opinion in 2003, determining overexposure to vanadium could cause cramps, loosened stools, ‘green tongue’ as well as fatigue and lethargy. A previous evaluation of vanadium by the NDA Panel noted toxic effects and concluded there was insufficient data to establish an upper safe limit. Vanadium is a metallic element that only exists in combination with other minerals and never in its pure stat.

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