best keratin treatment 2

Which Is Better Keratin Treatment Or Straightening?

Which Is Better Keratin Treatment Or Straightening? If you have frizzy hair or curly/wavy hair and want to have more control of your hair and decrease your blowdry time, definitely keratin treatment. If you simply just don’t like the wavy looking of your hair, just want to get it straight, then permanent straightening.

What is better than keratin treatment? Cysteine treatment is known to be quite safe as compared to keratin. In fact, this can even be used when you are pregnant. Of course, consult your doctor before you go that route. This treatment is also better than keratin and most other hair treatments.

Does keratin damage hair permanently? Keratin treatments can help repair damaged hair, making it stronger and less prone to breakage. However, if treatments are done too often, it can eventually lead to hair damage.14 juil.

RELATED:  Does Keratin Make Hair Grow?

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