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Zinc In Water

​Toxicant default guideline values for shielding aquatic ecosystems

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Description of chemical

Jarvinen and Ankley (1999) report information on tissue residues and results for zinc for eight freshwater species and 6 marine species. It isn’t attainable to summarise the info right here however readers are referred to that publication for extra data.

Aquatic toxicology

At a hardness of fifty mg/L, the concentrations ranged from 51 µg/L to 81,000 µg/L. Bacher and O’Brien (1990) discovered the acute toxicities for Australian freshwater species ranged from 140 µg/L to 6900 µg/L, and Skidmore and Firth (1983) discovered a variety of 340 to 9600 µg/L for ten Australian species. Zinc was discovered to bioaccumulate in freshwater animal tissues 50 to 1130 instances however bioaccumualtion will not be usually thought of an issue for zinc. USEPA (1987b) compiled acute toxicity values of zinc for 43 freshwater species.

RELATED:  Zinc 75 Mg Tablet

Freshwater pointers

Nonetheless, given the important nature of zinc and the truth that the power end-points are NOECs, the danger is low and the 95% safety stage is taken into account acceptable for barely to reasonably disturbed methods.

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