Vitamins 696x496 1

overdose vitamin d symptoms mayo clinic




1. Introduction

With vitamin D deficiency being implicated in an rising variety of ailments [2,4,8,9], requests for serum vitamin D focus measurements elevated between the yr 2000 and 2010 by over 80-fold [10]. The entire 25-hydroxyvitamin D (25(OH)D) degree, which incorporates each exogenous and endogenous vitamin D, is an applicable indicator of the vitamin D that the physique shops. Though there isn’t any common consensus a few therapy cut-off degree, research counsel 25 to 35 ng/mL because the minimal focus of 25(OH)D wanted to keep away from antagonistic results of deficiency, an issue significantly widespread at excessive latitudes, particularly within the winter [11,12]. Solutions to take care of vitamin D sufficiency embrace publicity to daylight (the pores and skin produces as much as 10,000 IU/day after publicity to UV gentle), fortified meals (e.g., milk is fortified with 100 IU/cup), and over-the-counter supplementation (1000–2000 U/day). As well as, vitamin D is generally present in fatty fish (447–1360 IU/100 g) and mushrooms [13,14]. Nonetheless, vitamin D therapy is just not with out dangers, as vitamin D toxicity has probably severe penalties [15,16]. Resulting from a large therapeutic index, vitamin D overdose is uncommon, however it does happen at excessively excessive doses. Vitamin D intoxication may be iatrogenic because of manufacturing errors or self-administration. On this report, instances of sufferers who had obtained excessive doses of vitamin D have been reviewed and introduced to explain options of vitamin D toxicity.

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2. Supplies and Strategies

The Superior Cohort Explorer (ACE) was used to generate the variety of vitamin D checks ordered from the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, MN, USA between 1994 and 2017. The ACE is a scientific knowledge repository maintained by the Unified Knowledge Platform which incorporates affected person data akin to affected person demographics, diagnoses, laboratory checks, and scientific notes. Knowledge was obtained from a number of scientific and hospital supply methods throughout the Mayo Clinic Rochester.


3. Outcomes and dialogue

Numerous cut-off values for the higher ranges of serum vitamin D are used throughout the USA [4,20,21]. Nonetheless, the sufferers listed in Desk 1 had ranges above all cut-off values in widespread use. The desk summarizes the introduced instances and contains sufferers’ age, vitamin D dose, vitamin D take a look at outcomes, and complete calcium ranges.


4. Conclusions – “overdose vitamin d symptoms mayo clinic”

Lastly, whereas comparatively unusual, vitamin D intoxication ought to all the time be thought-about as a differential prognosis when evaluating sufferers with hypercalcemia.

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Writer Contributions

All authors critically reviewed the manuscript and contributed to the writing.


Conflicts of Curiosity

The authors declare no battle of curiosity.


“overdose vitamin d symptoms mayo clinic”

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