
What Does Fat Soluble Mean In Vitamins

Vitamin E

Free radicals are unstable atoms that can cause oxidative stress. Oxidative stress can lead to cell damage, and this can result in cancer and other diseases. Types There are eight forms of vitamin E, but only alpha-tocopherol meets humans’ needs, according to the ODS.
Deficiency Vitamin E deficiency is rare, but it can affect people with Crohn’s disease or cystic fibrosis. Click here to find out how to recognize a vitamin E deficiency. Overdose Obtaining vitamin E through natural sources is unlikely to lead to an overdose, although supplement use can increase this risk.
People who use blood-thinning medication, such as warfarin (Coumadin) should ask their doctor before taking vitamin E supplements, as these may interfere with blood clotting. Vitamin E supplements are available for purchase in pharmacies and online.

Vitamin K

Vitamin K helps the body form blood clots.
Blood clotting is essential to prevent excessive bleeding. Types There are several types of vitamin K. The two most common groups are: Vitamin K-1 (phylloquinone), present in green, leafy vegetables and some other plant sources

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Vitamin K-2 (menaquinones), present in animal sources and fermented foods There are also synthetic forms and other forms that the body makes. Dietary sources Food sources of vitamin K-1 and K-2 include: kale





egg yolks Learn about 40 foods that provide vitamin K. Recommended intake Experts do not have enough evidence to recommend a specific intake of vitamin K suitable to meet the needs of 97-98% of healthy individuals.
A vitamin K deficiency may result in: excess bleeding

lower bone density, in the long term Learn more about a vitamin K deficiency here. However, it can interfere with the use of blood-thinning medications, such as warfarin (Coumadin).

Diseases & Conditions

In order to be classified as a vitamin, absence of the nutrient from the diet must result in a disease that can be cured by the timely replacement of that nutrient.
For this reason, the absence of any vitamin from your diet would result in a deficiency that would only be corrected by ingesting that vitamin. The type of solubility has to do with how the vitamins are absorbed and transported, whether or not they can be stored in the body, and how easily they are lost from the body. The fat-soluble vitamins are A, D, E, and K. Being fat soluble means that they are absorbed in the lymph, are transported in the blood with carrier proteins, and they can be stored in the liver and fatty tissues.
It is very important to stick to the guidelines on how much is necessary and how much is dangerous. The water-soluble vitamins are easily dissolved and can be excreted in the urine. There can be problems with excessive amounts, so upper limits have also been set for the water-soluble vitamins.
You can find detailed information on sources, requirements, functions, and upper limit levels for all vitamins at the USDA Food and Nutrition Information Cente.

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food and nutrition specialist , A. Kozil, graduate student. Go to top of this page.

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