
Can And Can T Exercises For Beginners?

How do you use buscar in a sentence? Additional Usage Examples with Buscar — I searched for your brother but I couldn’t find him. Ella busca libro en español. — She is looking for a book in Spanish.

Can and can’t sentences examples? – I can swim. They can speak English. He can’t ride a bike.
– I can swim. You can run fast. She can ride a bike. We can’t speak Japanese. They can’t play the guitar.
– Can you swim? Yes, I can. Can she play the piano? No, she can’t. What languages can you speak?.

What is the sentence of Can t? [M] [T] He can’t afford to buy a new car. [M] [T] I can drive a car, but Tom can’t. [M] [T] I can’t sing as well as Mary did. [M] [T] I can’t understand what she says.

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Related Questions

What are the 4 kinds of sentences with 5 examples?

– Declarative Sentence (statement) Declarative sentences make a statement.
– Interrogative Sentence (question) Interrogative sentences ask a question.
– Imperative Sentence (command) Imperative sentences give a command.
– Exclamative Sentence (exclamation).

Can example sentence?

“My daughter can drive a car. ” “John can speak several different languages. ” “I can do it by myself. ” “We can go to the party.

Does buscar need por or para?

One common mistake by new Spanish learners is to use “buscar para” when they want to say “to look for,” which is incorrect. In Spanish, buscar means “to look for,” so you should follow the verb directly with the object: busco trabajo (I’m looking for a job). 2022.

What is 10 examples of sentences?

– Mary enjoys cooking.
– She likes bananas.
– They speak English at work.
– The train does not leave at 12 AM.
– I have no money at the moment.
– Do they talk a lot ?
– Does she drink coffee?
– You run to the party.

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What is difference between CAN T and Cannot?

Can’t is a contraction of cannot, and it’s best suited for informal writing. In formal writing and where contractions are frowned upon, use cannot. It is possible to write can not, but you generally find it only as part of some other construction, such as “not only . but also.

Can and could sentences examples?

– They could come by car. (= Maybe they will come by car. )
– It can be very cold here in winter.
– That can’t be true.
– It’s ten o’clock.
– It could be very cold there in winter.
– They know the way here.
– She can speak several languages.
– I can see you.

Can example sentence?

“My daughter can drive a car. ” “John can speak several different languages. ” “I can do it by myself. ” “We can go to the party.

What are 5 examples of sentences?

– Joe waited for the train. “Joe” = subject, “waited” = verb.
– The train was late.
– Mary and Samantha took the bus.
– I looked for Mary and Samantha at the bus station.
– Mary and Samantha arrived at the bus station early but waited until noon for the bus.

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How do you write a sentence example?

– Joe waited for the train. “Joe” = subject, “waited” = verb.
– The train was late. “The train” = subject, “was” = verb.
– Mary and Samantha took the bus.
– I looked for Mary and Samantha at the bus station.
– Mary and Samantha arrived at the bus station early but waited until noon for the bus.

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