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Can Biotin Hurt Your Baby?

Is it OK to take biotin while pregnant? How much biotin should you take?

Is biotin poisonous to babies? Is Biotin Safe for Kids? Biotin has been shown to be safe for kids because it’s a water-soluble vitamin, so extra amounts of the vitamin leave the body through urine.

Can biotin cause a miscarriage? Biotin supplements can cause false low levels in blood tests. That means you may be pregnant or experiencing an ectopic pregnancy or miscarriage and might not know it. In urine tests, high levels of biotin may prevent the control line on your home pregnancy test from appearing, yielding invalid results.

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Can Biotin Hurt Your Baby

Is Biotin Safe for Kids? Biotin has been shown to be safe for kids because it’s a water-soluble vitamin, so extra amounts of the vitamin leave the body through urine.

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