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Is The R In Turmeric Silent?

Is The R In Turmeric Silent? A: We’ve written before about the pronunciations of “basil” and “cumin,” but until now nobody has asked us about “turmeric.” As it happens, you can correctly pronounce “turmeric” either with or without sounding that first “r”: TUR-mer-ik or TOO-mer-ik. The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language (5th ed.

Is it pronounced turmeric or turmeric? A: You’re largely right. It’s “TER-muh-rihk,” according to “The New Food Lover’s Companion.” Go to the online Oxford Dictionaries Web page ( to hear how to pronounce the word.

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How do you pronounce the sound of turmeric? A: You’re largely right. It’s “TER-muh-rihk,” according to “The New Food Lover’s Companion.” Go to the online Oxford Dictionaries Web page ( to hear how to pronounce the word.

Related Questions

Do you pronounce the r in turmeric?

Others are aware of the “r” finishing off the first syllable, and pronounce the word “ter-meric.” This is how we’ve always believed it to be pronounced. Which pronunciation is correct? According to Merriam-Webster (as well as The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language), both are acceptable.

Which is correct turmeric or tumeric?

Both are correct spellings. By the way: Turmeric or tumeric (Curcuma longa) /ˈtərmərɪk/ or /ˈtjuːmərɪk/ or /ˈtuːmərɪk/ is a rhizomatous herbaceous perennial plant of the ginger family, Zingiberaceae. Plants are gathered annually for their rhizomes and propagated from some of those rhizomes in the following season.

How do you pronounce turmeric in Australia?

How do you sound turmeric?

Is it pronounced tumeric or turmeric?

A: You’re largely right. It’s “TER-muh-rihk,” according to “The New Food Lover’s Companion.” Go to the online Oxford Dictionaries Web page ( to hear how to pronounce the word.

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Whats the correct way to say caramel?

The Oxford Dictionaries states: “The word caramel can acceptably be pronounced in several accepted ways, including KARR-uh-mel, KARR-uh-muhl, and, in North American English, KAR-muhl. The disappearance of that second syllable -uh- in the final pronunciation seems to have been in the works for a long time.

How do you spell turmeric the seasoning?

Why do some people pronounce turmeric as tumeric?

Here is the answer. Reason #1: It’s hard to articulate two syllables that end in R consequently, especially since the first one starts with T, and the next one starts with M, so we make it easier to say by dropping one of the R’s. In short, it’s just easier to say ‘tumeric’ than it is to say ‘termeric’.

How do the British pronounce turmeric?

Below is the UK transcription for ‘turmeric’: Modern IPA: tə́ːmərɪk. Traditional IPA: ˈtɜːmərɪk.

How do the British pronounce turmeric?

Below is the UK transcription for ‘turmeric’: Modern IPA: tə́ːmərɪk. Traditional IPA: ˈtɜːmərɪk.

Why do people not pronounce the r in turmeric?

Here is the answer. Reason #1: It’s hard to articulate two syllables that end in R consequently, especially since the first one starts with T, and the next one starts with M, so we make it easier to say by dropping one of the R’s. In short, it’s just easier to say ‘tumeric’ than it is to say ‘termeric’.23 avr.

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How do Brits pronounce turmeric?

Break ‘turmeric’ down into sounds: [TUR] + [MUH] + [RIK] – say it out loud and exaggerate the sounds until you can consistently produce them.

Do you pronounce the first R in turmeric?

Others are aware of the “r” finishing off the first syllable, and pronounce the word “ter-meric.” This is how we’ve always believed it to be pronounced. Which pronunciation is correct? According to Merriam-Webster (as well as The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language), both are acceptable.13 déc.

Do you pronounce the first R in turmeric?

Others are aware of the “r” finishing off the first syllable, and pronounce the word “ter-meric.” This is how we’ve always believed it to be pronounced. Which pronunciation is correct? According to Merriam-Webster (as well as The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language), both are acceptable.

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