
Vitamin B12 Urine Odor

We’re frequently asked in our comment section about: vitamin b12 urine odor. Truth is we’ve been delaying this article for a while until we had enough information & facts to allow us to enlighten our readers.

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If too much vitamin B12 is taken, certain symptoms may arise – including a change to your pee

How to get vitamin B12

Meat and fish are some of the best sources of B12, but people who don’t eat these foods, such as vegetarians, may face having low levels of the vitamin. Dr Andrew Thornber, chief medical of Now Patient told it’s rare to overdose on vitamin B12, but it can occur if too much has been taken.
He explained: “Some people may be prescribed certain B12 tablets or injections (if they have certain medical conditions). “The GP would prescribe the correct amount for you, so it would be hard to overdose.”

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But if too much vitamin B12 is taken, certain symptoms may arise – including a change to your pe.

What You Eat Or Drink

Amy Krambeck, MD, Michael O. Koch professor of urology, Indiana University School of Medicine.

What The Color Of Your Pee Is Telling You

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“This won’t necessarily harm your health, but may be a sign that you could take a lower-dose supplement,” Kirkpatrick says. Advertisement

B vitamins may also give urine a greenish tinge, according to the Cleveland Clinic, while high intakes of vitamin C can turn your pee an orange shade.

Vitamins And Smelly Pee

If it’s the smell of your urine that’s concerning you instead of the shade, this could also be due to water-soluble vitamins — more specifically vitamin B6, which produces musty-smelling pee, Kirkpatrick says.

To avoid your pee changing color or smell, the UK’s National Health Service suggests taking no more than 10 milligrams of vitamin B6 daily. However, if you don’t mind weird-smelling urine, the National Center for Biotechnology Information lists the Upper Intake Level (UL) of vitamin B6 (the maximum amount it’s safe for most people to consume daily from food, beverages and supplements) at 100 milligrams. But fava beans, blackberries and rhubarb can all turn your pee a reddish or even dark brown color, too.
If you eat a lot of carrots or other vibrant veggies high in vitamin C, you might notice light orange-colored pee. Asparagus often takes the blame for adding an ammonia smell to urine. Whether you can smell these sulfur compounds or not seems to be based on your genetic makeup.
Pay Attention to Your Pee

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Though most temporary changes to the color and odor of your pee are harmless, some may signal a larger issue such as a bladder infection, kidney infection or even diabetes or liver failure, according to the Cleveland Clinic. If you notice changes that don’t appear to be connected to what you eat or the supplements you take, talk to your doctor. And if your urine turns red or tea-colored, reach out for medical attention right away.

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