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Vitamin B6 Testosterone

This blog post will walk you through: vitamin b6 testosterone.

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Ained for 4 weeks on a vitamin B6-free diet to cause a moderately severe degree of vitamin B6 depletion. In both intact and 24-h castrated animals vitamin B6 deficiency resulted in a significant increase in the uptake of [3H]testosterone into the prostate, and both increased and prolonged the specific nuclear retention of the steroid, as assessed by the ratio of radioactivity in the nuclear pellet: the high speed supernatant fraction. The results suggest that vitamin B6 has a function in the action of testosterone (and other steroid hormones), possibly in the recycling of receptors from the nucleus back into the cytosol after initial translocation.
Vitamin B6 deficient animals have either a reduced rate of synthesis of testosterone or an increased rate of metabolic clearance compared with vitamin B6 supplemented controls, and this appears to be associated with enhanced target organ response to the hormon.

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1984; Bowden et al. Slices of uterus from vitamin B6-deficient rats accumulated more [3H]oestradiol than did tissue from repleted animals.
Isolated hepatocytes from vitamin B6-deficient rats accumulated more [3H]dexamethasone than did cells from repleted animals. Pre-incubation of the hepatocytes with pyridoxal phosphate resulted in a further increase in the uptake of the steroid. The results suggest that in addition to the putative role of pyridoxal phosphate in releasing steroid-hormone-receptor complexes from tight nuclear binding (Cidlowski & Thanassi, 1981), vitamin B6 deficiency may also increase the concentration of steroid-hormone receptors or enzymes and other steroid-binding proteins in target tissue.

What Is Zma?

It contains the following ingredients in varying forms and doses: Zinc: as zinc monomethionine, zinc aspartate, or zinc oxide

as zinc monomethionine, zinc aspartate, or zinc oxide Magnesium: as magnesium aspartate, magnesium oxide, or magnesium citrate

as magnesium aspartate, magnesium oxide, or magnesium citrate Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) These vitamins and minerals play vital roles in your health, supporting your metabolism, digestion, muscular health, and immunity, and aiding communication throughout your body Some manufacturers include other vitamins, minerals, or amino acids in their ZMA products, such as vitamin D3, folate, theanine, 5-HTP, valerian root, Tribulus terrestris, melatonin, and various other ingredients. Still, there’s limited research supporting the health and performance benefits of ZMA.
Summary ZMA is a vitamin and mineral supplement containing zinc, magnesium, and vitamin B6. Most people take ZMA to aid muscle recovery and performance, but research in this area is limited.

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Why Is Testosterone Low?

For those out there that have low testosterone, there are a number of factors to consider.
We’re not just talking short episodes of stress throughout the day. Obesity

Excess fat reduces the amount of testosterone and causes high estrogen levels. For morbidly obese patients, testosterone is reduced by as much as half of normal levels.
The act of weight-lifting is actually a great way to boost levels of testosterone. Exercises should challenge you and leave the body “spent” after a session. Xenoestrogens

Genetically-modified foods contain high levels of xenoestrogens.
These synthetic estrogens exist in phthalates, pesticides, and tobacco products. By artificially boosting levels of estrogen levels in men, it reduces testosterone production. This is also dangerous for women too, as it increases their risks for cancers.

Your testosterone levels start to decline naturally after the age of 30. Men in their senior years will begin to notice the signs of low testosterone levels. Heavy drinking, smoking, or medication use could also lead to these symptoms.
There have been many studies that have proven the benefits of taking herbal supplements and targeting micronutrients to increase testosterone production.

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