
Vitamin B8 Deficiency

Hopefully by the end of this article you’ll have no doubts about this subject.

Vitamin B8: Know Health Benefits And Deficiency Symptoms

Most auto-immune diseases and mental health conditions like depression and anxiety are caused due to the deficiency of a particular vitamin or mineral. Watch the video here:

For example, diabetes – it is a condition caused due to the production of insulin in the body being affected. In the video, Luke Coutinho states that doctors often prescribe inositol or vitamin B8, or vitamin B complex along with diabetes medication.
When it comes to mental health, often the cause for chronic depression or anxiety is due to hormonal imbalance. Serotonin promotes mental well-being and the feeling of positivity. Your body requires vitamin B8 for the secretion of serotonin and dopamine

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Inositol or vitamin B8 is also important for women who suffer from PCOS (Polycystic Ovary Syndrome) and infertility.


Biotin deficiency is relatively rare and harmless, and may be treated with supplements. This deficiency may be caused by excess consumption of raw egg whites (because of their elevated levels of avidin protein). Avidin binds tightly with biotin, thereby diminishing its absorption.
Signs of vitamin B8 deficiency:

Skin inflammation and hypersensitivity (redness around the eyes, nose, and mouth);


Hair loss;

Absence or loss of pigment in the hair;

Muscle soreness;

Loss of appetite;


Neurological disorders (depression, fatigue, hallucinations, and tingling hands and feet);

Increase in blood cholesterol levels;

Decrease in blood hemoglobin, which could lead to anemia.

Adverse Effects

No harmful effects have been tied to excessive biotin intake. Signs of excess vitamin B8:

Your pharmacist can help you choose the solution that’s best for you based on your health and any drugs you take.

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What Is Vitamin B8?

Biotin is not sensitive to high temperatures; however it is sensitive to alkalis and acids.

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