
Vitamin D Foods In Vegetables

This blog post will walk you through: vitamin d foods in vegetables. Don’t worry, we’ve got all the answers about this subject.

#1: Fish (Salmon)


The current U.S. Daily Value (%DV) for vitamin D is 20μg (micrograms) and the toxicity threshold is thought to be 250 to 1000 μg/day. (1)

Sometimes vitamin D values are given in IU (International Units). This accounts for approximately 90% of our total vitamin D, with only 10% coming from food.
Below is a list of the top 10 foods highest in vitamin D by common serving size, for more see the nutrient ranking of 200 foods high in vitamin.

1. Sunshine

Most people get at least some of their vitamin D this way. According to the National Institute of Health (NIH), exposing your face, arms, legs, or back to sunlight for 5–30 minutes twice a week — without sunscreen — is usually sufficient to generate optimal vitamin D levels For instance, smog or an overcast day may reduce the strength of UV rays by up to 60%. Moreover, older adults and those with darker skin tones may require significantly longer than 30 minutes of sun exposure to produce sufficient vitamin D Hence, the American Academy of Dermatology urges people not to rely on the sun as their main source of vitamin D However, several factors can reduce your body’s vitamin D generation, and excess sun exposure isn’t recommended, as it may raise your risk of skin cancer.

RELATED:  vitamin d xymogen

1. Salmon

Whether the salmon is wild or farmed can make a big difference. Some studies have found even higher levels in wild salmon — up to 1,300 IU per serving However, farmed salmon contains only 25% of that amount. That’s 124% and 32% of the DV, respectively.

Oily Fish

Here’s our process.
Vitamin D is a type of nutrient that the body produces when a person’s skin has exposure to direct sunlight. High quantities of vitamin D are present in oily fish and certain types of mushrooms. According to the Office of Dietary Supplements (ODS) , the key benefit of vitamin D is that it helps keep a person’s bones, muscles, and nerves healthy.
It also contributes to a healthy immune system. It is present in egg yolks if the chickens laying them are free-range.

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