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Vitamin D Vegetarian Indian Foods

Don’t worry, we’ve got all the answers about this subject.

1. Sunshine

Moreover, older adults and those with darker skin tones may require significantly longer than 30 minutes of sun exposure to produce sufficient vitamin D That said, excess sun exposure can increase your risk of skin cancer. Hence, the American Academy of Dermatology urges people not to rely on the sun as their main source of vitamin D Summary Your skin produces vitamin D following direct exposure to the sun. However, several factors can reduce your body’s vitamin D generation, and excess sun exposure isn’t recommended, as it may raise your risk of skin cancer.

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Itter pain in the joints or a bad toothache or weakness in the muscles or extreme hair fall, the lack of one essential element in our day-to-day life can be the cause of all these health issues.
There’s an age-old misconception that eating eggs, lean meat, cod liver or salmon can only give your body the much needed boost of Vitamin D, but you would be amazed to know that there are vegetarian foods that are fortified with this vitamin and are way better than the non-vegetarian sources of Vitamin.

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Facts About Vitamin D

This is quite surprising for India, which is a sunny country. – In the united states an estimated 85% of people are Vitamin D deficient.
I am sure you already know that Vitamin D is an important element to improve bone health.

What Is Vitamin D

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