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Vitamin E Leg Cramps At Night

Truth is we’ve been delaying this article for a while until we had enough information & facts to allow us to enlighten our readers. Hopefully by the end of this article you’ll have no doubts about this subject.


The group included 24 private patients with leg cramps and two with the “restless legs” syndrome, probably a related condition.

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E) may be effective for the prevention of HD-associated cramps. We decided to perform a selected controlled trial of supplementary vit.
E for treatment of patients on HD who experience frequent attacks during and between HD sessions. In this study, 19 HD patients were randomly selected of different age groups and ethnicity. Patient must have had at least 60 attacks of muscle cramps during and between HD sessions over a 12-week period.
The frequency of muscle cramps decreased significantly during vit. E therapy, and, at the end of the trial, vit. E-related adverse effects were encountered during the trial.
Short-term treatment with vit. E is safe and effective in reducing number of attacks of muscle cramps in HD patients, as shown in our stud.

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To The Editor.— Our series of 26 cases suffering from nocturnal leg cramps included the “restless legs syndrome” and rectal cramps, with satisfactory relief in all cases by the use of D-alpha tocopheryl acetate in doses averaging 300 to 400, and occasionally 800, international units daily.
Since then we have recently submitted for publication a progress report documenting 76 cases with equally good results. This series includes six patients with “restless legs,” three with nocturnal rectal cramps, and one young athlete training for the Olympics who had severe cramps following strenuous exercise including long distance running, swimming, and weight lifting. All of these patterns received prompt and gratifying relief from the oral administration of vitamin E (D-alpha tocopheryl acetate.

Reasons For Muscle Cramps – What’S Yours?

When you push yourself too hard during heavy exercise, your muscle membranes are damaged. Pregnancy, age and medical conditions associated with circulatory changes and stress are other risk factors.

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