
Vitamin F And G

Did You Know? How Vitamins Are Named

And after that the vitamins were named in order of discovery, but scientists made a lot of mistakes and vitamins were reclassified. Here are “missing” F to J vitamins:

Vitamin F = reclassified as the essential fatty acids (omega 3 and 6)

Vitamin G = reclassified as B2 (riboflavin)

Vitamin h = reclassified as Biotin

Vitamin I = no known original naming

Vitamin J = found to be very similar to Vitamin G, which was reclassified as B2, so it is also now known as B2 or riboflavin. Bonus: for those of you that prefer to watch, rather than read your info, here’s a fun video that also goes into how vitamins got their name.

Key Functions In Your Body

Since your body is unable to make these fats, you have to get them from your diet ALA and LA play the following crucial roles in the body As fats, ALA and LA provide 9 calories per gram.
Ala, LA, and other fats provide structure and flexibility to all cells in your body as a major component of their outer layer. Aid growth and development. Ala plays an important role in normal growth, vision, and brain development.
Your body converts ALA and LA into other fats needed for health. Help make signaling compounds. Ala and LA are used to make signaling compounds that help regulate blood pressure, blood clotting, immune system responses, and other major body functions.

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What Is Vitamin F And G?

Vitamin F = reclassified as the essential fatty acids (omega 3 and 6) Vitamin G = reclassified as B2 (riboflavin) Vitamin h = reclassified as Biotin. Vitamin I = no known original naming. Vitamin J = found to be very similar to Vitamin G, which was reclassified as B2, so it is also now known as B2 or riboflavin.

What Is Vitamin F?

Ala and LA are long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids (LC-PUFAs). Ala is an omega-3 fatty acid, and LA is an omega-6 fatty acid. Scientists coined the term vitamin F in the 1920s to describe ALA and LA.
The scientific community has since disregarded the term, but people may still notice skin care companies referring to vitamin F in their product marketing.

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