
Vitamin For White Eyes

1. Vitamin A

This vitamin is also a component of rhodopsin, a protein in your eyes that allows you to see in low light conditions Xerophthalmia is a progressive eye disease which begins with night blindness. If vitamin A deficiency continues, your tear ducts and eyes can dry out.
Sweet potatoes are an excellent source, as are leafy green vegetables, pumpkins and bell peppers

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Once these conditions resolve or you start sleeping well, the redness might dissipate. However, vitamins might not treat any and all eye conditions that cause bloodshot eyes.

Vitamin B2

Vitamin B2, also known as riboflavin, aids in the function of your nervous system and metabolism, as well as many other body processes. Food sources of vitamin B2 include broccoli, mushrooms, milk, eggs, meat and almonds. If you suffer from chronic eye redness without any known cause, your doctor might recommend that you eat a healthful diets that includes these and other B2 sources, or she might recommend a daily dose of vitamin B2.
Vitamin B2, also known as riboflavin, aids in the function of your nervous system and metabolism, as well as many other body processes. Vitamin A has an important role in eye health, promoting a healthy retina — the back lining of the eye — and a healthy cornea — the clear outer dome covering the front of your eye. Although a vitamin A deficiency does not commonly occur in the U.S., low levels of this nutrient could result in dry eye, a condition that can cause eye redness as well as burning, stinging and watery eyes.
Medical Attention

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Eye redness could result from being tired or other harmless causes, but if you have prolonged eye redness, particularly if you have other symptoms with it, such as irritation or pain, contact your doctor for an appointment. You might have an eye condition that requires prescription medication, and prompt treatment could help avoid worsening of the condition and any long-term effects. High doses of some nutrients can interfere with medical conditions or prescription medications you might be taking.
Your doctor can evaluate your eyes and overall health to help you determine if vitamins could safely help your condition.

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