Vitamins 696x496 1

Vitamin K 7

Don’t worry, we’ve got all the answers about this subject.

Forms Of Vitamin K

Menaquinone-4, or MK-4, is the only form of vitamin K-2 that can be produced in the body from vitamin K-1. Dosage

According to the National Academy of Sciences, an adequate intake of vitamin K is 90 micrograms for females and 120 micrograms for males. Taking larger doses is not dangerous, as a healthy person’s body can tolerate doses as high as 45 milligrams, or 45,000 micrograms.
As such, you should be careful if you are currently taking warfarin and wish to use vitamin K supplements to help prevent osteoporosis.

Half-Life And Benefits

With a half-life of three days, vitamin K-7 is effective in daily doses of 100 micrograms or less.


Vitamin K acts as a cofactor and is required for post-translational γ-carboxylation of vitamin K-dependent proteins (VKDP).
The current recommended daily intake (RDI) of vitamin K in most countries has been established based on normal coagulation requirements. As vitamin K1, MK-4, and MK-7 have distinct bioactivities, their RDIs should be established based on their relative activities. Mk-7 increases bone mineral density and promotes bone quality and strength.
Collagen production, and thus, bone quality may be affected by MK-7 or MK-4 converted from MK-7. Keywords: vitamin K2, menaquinone-7, osteocalcin, bone metabolism, bone quality.

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Vitamin K-2 (Mk-7) (100Mg) – 60 Cápsulas – Now

Íntese de certo número de factores de coagulação do sangue.
Now MK-7 contém uma forma altamente biologicamente activa da vitamina K2 derivado de natto, um soyfood fermentado tradicional japonês. Ingredientes

Vitamina C (Palmitato de L-ascorbilo);

Vitamina K2 (Menaquinona-7);

Palmitato de ascorbilo;

Farinha de arroz;

Celulose, Gelatina;


Modo De Utilização

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