This subject along with many others are quite common. We will do our best to answer this and many other similar questions in this article which should ease your mind regarding this subject.
Human Health[Edit]
I suggest that it be removed, since this is an article on flavonoids–not an article on the FDA approval process.
May Be Better At Vitamin ?
…vitamin P says “from the mid-1930s to early 1950s.”.
Most Recent Answer
Ng to do a cell sort and collect equal numbers of CD3+CD8+ and CD3+CD4+ t cells from naive C57BL/6 mouse spleen. Theoretically 70-80% of CD3+ cells should be CD4+ and 20-30% should be CD8+, but when sorting the other day, the yield of CD3+CD8+ was only ~3% (we need at least 1 million, so this is not nearly enough), with 85% being CD3+CD4+ and the remaining likely be dendritic and NK cells.
Thanks for any advice you can provid.
Origin Of This Study
The original motivation for this study came from the recent proof of the existence of invalid/improbable/interfering metabolic panaceas (IMPS) (1) as over-studied natural products that have an implausible plethora of reported biological activities, making them panaceas—in theory. At the same time IMPS are very commonly found in plant-derived food products, implying that IMPS play potential roles in human nutrition.
In contrast, flavonoids are well-defined phytochemicals that are nearly ubiquitous in plants and likely represent the most well-studied class of plant constituents.
Vitamin P
Ce isolated from citrus rind that was thought to be a vitamin that reduced the permeability of capillaries. It was later determined to be a mixture of flavonoid.