
Vitamin Pyridoxine

In this article we will be discussing a very common question: vitamin pyridoxine. It’s quite a sensitive & complex subject, as such we will do our best at providing a clear and concise article to clear any doubts you may have.

1. May Improve Mood And Reduce Symptoms Of Depression

It’s significant to protein, fat and carbohydrate metabolism and the creation of red blood cells and neurotransmitters Consuming adequate amounts of vitamin B6 is important for optimal health and may even prevent and treat chronic diseases

Possible Health Benefits Of Vitamin B6

Its roles include turning food into energy and helping to create neurotransmitters, such as serotonin and dopamine.
This group of vitamins is important for proper cell function. They help with metabolism, creating blood cells, and keeping cells healthy. Also known as pyridoxine, vitamin B6 is a water-soluble vitamin, which means it dissolves in water.
The body does not store vitamin B6 and releases any excess in urine, so people need to get enough vitamin B6 every day.

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Quantidade Recomendada De Vitamina B6

A quantidade recomendada de consumo de vitamina B6 varia de acordo com a idade e o gênero, como mostrado na tabela a seguir:

Idade Quantidade de Vitamina B6 por dia 0 a 6 meses 0,1 mg 7 a 12 meses 0,3 mg 1 a 3 anos 0,5 mg 4 a 8 anos 0,6 mg 9 a 13 anos 1 mg Homens de 14 a 50 anos 1,3 mg Homens acima de 51 anos 1,7 mg Meninas de 14 a 18 anos 1,2 mg Mulheres de 19 a 50 anos 1,3 mg Mulheres acima de 51 anos 1,5 mg Mulheres grávidas 1,9 mg Mulheres que amamentam 2,0 mg

Uma alimentação saudável e variada fornece as quantidades adequadas dessa vitamina para manter o bom funcionamento do organismo, e a sua suplementação só é recomendada em casos de diagnóstico de carência dessa vitamina, devendo ser utilizada segundo orientação do médico ou do nutricionista.

What Is Pyridoxine?

Pyridoxine is vitamin B6.
Vitamins occur naturally in foods such as meat, poultry, nuts, whole grains, bananas, and avocados. Vitamin B6 is important for many processes in the body. Pyridoxine taken by mouth (oral) is available without a prescription.
Pyridoxine may also be used for purposes not listed in this medication guide.

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