
Vitamin T Book

It’s quite a sensitive & complex subject, as such we will do our best at providing a clear and concise article to clear any doubts you may have.

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Want Some More Book Reviews?

N by Phaidon Editors and Jenelle Porter

Is This The Most Helpful Cross Stit… X To View This Video Please Enable Javascript, And Consider Upgrading To A Web Browser That Supports Html5 Video Is This The Most Helpful Cross Stitch Book?

#bookreview #crossstitch

At first glace, this is rather a weighty publication – with its grey contemporary handback cover and large size (304 pages). As boundaries between art and craft have blurred, artists have increasingly embraced these materials and methods, with the resulting works being coveted by collectors and exhibited in museums worldwide. Vitamin T is a vibrant and incredibly timely survey – the first of its kind.
About the artist The publishers and writers of this book have previously provided us with other similar publications, each with a specific focus – Painting was one highlight in their catalogue of books with this same layout.Rather than detailing information about the specific artists used through this tome, lets look at the publication itself as an overall art form, detailing the highlights:There are 110 artists used through this tome. Thus there will be something to appeal to us all. Lets begin with the front cover.
With its moth eaten vibe, we couldn’t not give it a mention. Its cool, modern, appealing to those who may have turned aside from Textiles to favour the ‘Arts’ – it begs attention and thus elevates its subject matter.Moving inside the publication, we are surprised with the nature of the pieces included.

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This Is Not The Run Of The Mill Hobby Like Textile Art We May Be Used To….What Is Wrong With The Book?

Yet, this book really is a celebration – of how we see and how others see this exciting medium, letting it have a high profile appearance due to its use within this book.Using the link below, you can purchase a copy right now….its a beautiful one to have on your coffee table, to dip into and relax wit.

See A Problem?

As boundaries between art and craft have blurred, artists have increasingly embraced these materials and methods, with the resulting works being coveted by collectors and exhibited in museums worldwide.

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