
Vitamins For Drug Addiction Recovery

If you’re here, then you probably Google’d: vitamins for drug addiction recovery. This subject along with many others are quite common. We will do our best to answer this and many other similar questions in this article which should ease your mind regarding this subject.

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Ent organisations recognised by the DGS. Note: Recognition process by DGS

Law nº 44/2005, of 29 August, “Law of the Associations of defence of the Users of Health Care Services”, comes to establish the rights of participation and intervention of the associations of defence of the users with the central, regional and local administration. These associations have legal personality and are non-profit.
Their main objective is to contribute to the greater involvement and participation of users, not only in the definition and operationalization of national strategies, plans, and programs but also in the defence of their interests and rights. 535/2009, of 18 May regulates Law no. 535/2009 of 18 May, send the documents necessary for the instruction of the registration process, to the Directorate General of Health (DGS), which is responsible for this competence.

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Treatment For Addiction With Vitamins

People who are addicted to either drugs or alcohol generally lose their appetite for food. This can result in severe malnutrition, a deficiency of essential micronutrients – such as vitamins and minerals. The body uses vitamins and minerals to get rid of the foreign chemicals found in these substances.
A prolonged deficiency can lead to various health problems, some of which may be of a chronic nature. It has been found that the use of vitamins for addiction leads to better treatment retention rates, less intense withdrawal symptoms and better health overall.

The Relationship Between Vitamin Deficiency & Addiction

Not only can drug and alcohol use lead to serious health complications such as cardiovascular issues, respiratory problems, and even cancer, but also it can lead to health problems that may not be as noticeable from the surface.
Malnutrition and vitamin deficiencies in drug addicts and alcoholics are common problems. As a result, some drug users may go days without eating. When they do eat, they may only snack on junky or sugary foods instead of eating a healthy and nutritious meal.
Because this damage may be irreversible, it is important for people to not wait for alcohol use help and get sober.

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How Does Nutrition And Supplementation Impact Addiction?

I honestly felt like I had no other choice at the time. You may feel like you need something to get through the day.
I’m here to tell you that you can. And you can thrive. These 9 nutrients, vitamins and supplements have helped me minimize withdrawal symptoms, overcome my addictions, and get on with my life.
And even if you don’t struggle with addiction, these nutrients are still great for optimal brain function and mental healt.

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