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Vitamins Good For Fatigue

If you’re here, then you probably Google’d: vitamins good for fatigue. This subject along with many others are quite common. We will do our best to answer this and many other similar questions in this article which should ease your mind regarding this subject.

Boots Health Hub

Due to these busy lifestyles, this may have led to many of you feeling tired most of the time.

So What Can You Do To Help Reduce Your Tiredness?

Why Do I Lack Energy?

One of the reasons for a lack of energy throughout the day could be that you need more sleep. Another reason for a lack of energy could be because you aren’t getting enough nutrients from your diet. Tips to help with fatigue

Your diet can help to improve your energy levels.
Below are some useful hints and tips to help you along the way:

• Always eat breakfast

• Aim for your five a day. Potatoes, wholegrain pasta and rice are nothing to be feared, they all release energy slowly to keep you going throughout the day

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• Cut down on sugar. Many people reach for sugar when they’re feeling tired, but this is a short-term energy fill that can actually leave you feeling lower than before

• Give your body the right amount of calories for your daily activities, as this will help keep your energy levels up

• Include foods rich in vitamin B in your diet, as they support healthy energy levels.
B vitamins are nutrients that convert your food into energy, and include B1, B2 and B3

• Make sure your food is rich in iron, this is essential for your red blood cells which carry oxygen around your body*

• Include magnesium rich foods in your diet. Magnesium supports energy and muscle functions,* so it’s important to ensure you’re getting the right levels

Vitamins for energy

If you feel you aren’t getting enough energy from your diet or lifestyle, then you may need extra support. There are a few different supplements that can contribute to reducing your tiredness and fatigue, including vitamin B1, B2 and B3, iron and magnesium.

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So Which B Vitamin Do You Need?

There are also extra benefits to B vitamins, as the table details belo.

1. Ashwagandha

one of the most important medicinal herbs in Indian Ayurveda, one of the world’s oldest medicinal systems Ashwagandha is thought to increase energy by enhancing your body’s resilience to physical and mental stress In one study, people given ashwagandha showed significant improvements in several measures of stress and anxiety, compared to those given a placebo. They also had 28% lower levels of cortisol, a hormone that increases in response to stress Strengthening these findings was a review of five studies examining the effects of ashwagandha on anxiety and stress All of the studies showed that those who took ashwagandha extract scored better on tests measuring stress, anxiety and fatigue. In addition to improving mental fatigue and stress, research also suggests ashwagandha can alleviate fatigue associated with exercise. A study of elite cyclists found that those who took ashwagandha were able to cycle 7% longer than those given a placebo What’s more, research suggests that ashwagandha supplements are safe and have a low risk of side effects

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Stress and anxiety can contribute to feelings of fatigue and low energy. They can also make people feel less able to cope with daily demands.
Adaptogens are plant derived substances that help the body better manage stress. They also found ashwagandha to be “safe and well-tolerated.” Results from another study suggest that ashwagandha may help improve endurance during exercise. The researchers found that ashwagandha improved endurance rates in elite cyclists when they took 500 milligram (mg) capsules twice daily.

Understanding The Drawbacks Of Caffeine

Although caffeine might offer a short-term solution for a lack of energy, it can actually make you feel more exhausted in the long-run. Fatigue is comprised of a complicated and diverse set of symptoms with many possible causes, including poor sleep or nutrient deficiencies. Clinical research has shown that vitamins, minerals, and botanical supplements can offer an energy boost without the risk of dependence or side effects associated with caffeine.
“Even if your coffee habit is under control, it is helpful to know that there are also vitamins and supplements that can help you feel more energized.”.

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