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Vitamins Needed To Get Pregnant

This blog post will walk you through: vitamins needed to get pregnant. Don’t worry, we’ve got all the answers about this subject.

Role Of Micronutrients In Fertility

Because fertility is a complex equation, and each person’s body is different, the science around micronutrients and conception is still, shall we say, in its infancy. That said, some promising studies have begun to shed light on the role of vitamins in getting and staying pregnant. Vitamins play important roles in female health.
Some nutrients may even reduce symptoms of polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS), a common underlying cause of infertility. It’s important to remember, though, that more research is needed. “While promising, the majority of these studies were small and did not have rigorous methodology,” says Dr. Tieraona Low Dog, chief medical adviser for MegaFood supplements.
We’ve broken down some of the most popular supplements for fertility, with the deets on their use, effectiveness, and dosage.

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Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) is vital for infant brain and eye development. A 2016 study in the European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology concluded that omega-3 supplement consumption was associated with a 58 percent decrease in the likelihood of early preterm birth (babies born before 34 weeks) and a 17 percent decrease in preterm delivery (babies born before 37 weeks).
The New England Journal of Medicine reported during the same year that maternal omega-3 intake in the third trimester reduced the risk of asthma and infections of the lower respiratory tract in offspring by approximately one third. For pregnant and lactating women, optimal intake is 700 milligrams per day of eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and DHA, with at least 300 milligrams as DHA, Shaw said.


Probiotics and prebiotics are essential in both food and supplement form to promote a healthy gut.
Currently there’s no recommended amount, but Shaw recommends slowly increasing your intake. Iron This mineral is vital to form oxygen-carrying red blood cells. From there, they can determine if they need to boost intake.
Check with your doctor before adding an additional supplement on top of a prenatal or multivitamin, the dietitians said.

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Stop Lighting Up

“Men who smoke have a lower sperm count and abnormal-shaped sperm,” Ross says. Pregnant women who smoke are more likely to miscarry.
Your child’s odds of having sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) also go up if you use tobacco. It’s best to start early — it often takes about 30 tries to kick the habit for goo.

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