
What Does Vitamin D And K Do

This blog post will walk you through: what does vitamin d and k do.


Vitamin D promotes the production of vitamin K-dependent proteins, which require vitamin K for carboxylation in order to function properly. Animal and human studies suggest that optimal concentrations of both vitamin D and vitamin K are beneficial for bone and cardiovascular health as supported by genetic, molecular, cellular, and human studies. Most clinical trials studied vitamin D and K supplementation with bone health in postmenopausal women.
These limited studies indicate that joint supplementation might be beneficial for cardiovascular health. As more is discovered about the powerful combination of vitamins D and K, it gives a renewed reason to eat a healthy diet including a variety of foods such as vegetables and fermented dairy for bone and cardiovascular health.

What Are Vitamins D And K?

They are generally most abundant in high-fat foods, and their absorption into the bloodstream is enhanced when they are consumed with fat.
Often called the “sunshine vitamin,” vitamin D is abundant in fatty fish and fish oil, but it’s also produced by your skin when it’s exposed to sunlight. One of vitamin D’s primary functions is to promote calcium absorption and maintain adequate calcium levels in your blood. A vitamin D deficiency may cause bone loss.
It’s necessary for blood clotting and promotes the accumulation of calcium in your bones and teeth.

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D+K2 – Putting Calcium In Balance

Helping to keep your heart and bones healthy.


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