
What Exercise Works The Latissimus Dorsi?

What Exercise Works The Latissimus Dorsi? The lats connect at five different points which includes the spine, pelvis, ribs, scapula, and the humerus. Vertical pulling exercises — chin-ups, pull-ups, and lat pulldowns. Horizontal pulling exercises — row variations like the bent over row. Shoulder extension exercise — straight-arm pulldowns and pullovers. Mar 17, 2021.

What exercise work the latissimus dorsi? A good choice would be one arm dumbbell rows and seated rows using a resistance band. These exercises will target the muscles just a bit differently so you can challenge your body in a different way. Oct 29, 2019.

What activities use the latissimus dorsi? The latissimus dorsi muscle is a large, triangularly shaped back muscle that helps you do things like pull-ups, swimming and even breathing. It functions to stabilize your back while extending your shoulders.

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Related Questions

What activities use the latissimus dorsi?

The latissimus dorsi muscle is a large, triangularly shaped back muscle that helps you do things like pull-ups, swimming and even breathing. It functions to stabilize your back while extending your shoulders.

What is the best exercise for the latissimus dorsi?

– Lat pull-down machine.
– Resistance band lat pull-downs.
– Straight-arm pull-downs.
– Hex bar deadlifts.
– Barbell deadlifts.
– Dumbbell rows.
– Landmine rows.
– TRX suspended rows.

How do you work out the latissimus dorsi muscle?

– From a kneeling position, sink your hips back and place your right forearm along the floor.
– Lean your weight onto your right arm and stretch out your left arm, reaching out through your fingertips.
– Hold this position for a few seconds.
– Return to the starting position.
– Repeat 10 times.

What exercise works the latissimus?

The three main types of vertical pulls are pull ups, chin ups, and lat pulldowns. All vertical pulls emphasize the lats, which is why we are starting here. While vertical pulls are categorized by pull ups/chin ups and pulldowns, different grips and equipment can be used, which is why we have more than just 3 exercises.

Which exercise best works the latissimus dorsi?

– Weighted Pull Ups.
– Weighted Chin Ups.
– Close Underhand Grip Pulldown.
– Plate Loaded Pulldown.
– Yates Row.
– Smith Machine Underhand Bent Over Row.
– Dumbbell Underhand Bent Over Row.

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Which workout isolates the latissimus dorsi?

Pull-ups are widely considered to be the king of upper body exercises. The reason the pull up is so effective is it takes the latissimus dorsi through a full range of motion. Starting from an overhead position all the way to full extension.

What exercise works the latissimus dorsi?

The lats connect at five different points which includes the spine, pelvis, ribs, scapula, and the humerus. Vertical pulling exercises — chin-ups, pull-ups, and lat pulldowns. Horizontal pulling exercises — row variations like the bent over row. Shoulder extension exercise — straight-arm pulldowns and pullovers.

What exercise works out the latissimus dorsi?

Vertical pulling exercises — chin-ups, pull-ups, and lat pulldowns. Horizontal pulling exercises — row variations like the bent over row. Shoulder extension exercise — straight-arm pulldowns and pullovers.

What exercise works the latissimus dorsi muscle?

The lats connect at five different points which includes the spine, pelvis, ribs, scapula, and the humerus. Vertical pulling exercises — chin-ups, pull-ups, and lat pulldowns. Horizontal pulling exercises — row variations like the bent over row. Shoulder extension exercise — straight-arm pulldowns and pullovers.

Which workout isolates the latissimus dorsi?

Pull-ups are widely considered to be the king of upper body exercises. The reason the pull up is so effective is it takes the latissimus dorsi through a full range of motion. Starting from an overhead position all the way to full extension.

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What exercise works the latissimus dorsi lats muscle the best?

– Lat pull-down machine.
– Resistance band lat pull-downs.
– Straight-arm pull-downs.
– Hex bar deadlifts.
– Barbell deadlifts.
– Dumbbell rows.
– Landmine rows.
– TRX suspended rows.

What exercise works the latissimus dorsi?

The lats connect at five different points which includes the spine, pelvis, ribs, scapula, and the humerus. Vertical pulling exercises — chin-ups, pull-ups, and lat pulldowns. Horizontal pulling exercises — row variations like the bent over row. Shoulder extension exercise — straight-arm pulldowns and pullovers.

Which exercise best works the latissimus dorsi?

– Weighted Pull Ups.
– Weighted Chin Ups.
– Close Underhand Grip Pulldown.
– Plate Loaded Pulldown.
– Yates Row.
– Smith Machine Underhand Bent Over Row.
– Dumbbell Underhand Bent Over Row.

What exercise works the latissimus dorsi muscle?

The lats connect at five different points which includes the spine, pelvis, ribs, scapula, and the humerus. Vertical pulling exercises — chin-ups, pull-ups, and lat pulldowns. Horizontal pulling exercises — row variations like the bent over row. Shoulder extension exercise — straight-arm pulldowns and pullovers.

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