
What Has Vitamin D Vegan

This isn’t an easy topic to write about nor is it an easy topic to find information about since it’s quite complex, however, we will share with you as much information as possibly can about this subject so that you no longer have any questions left un-answered by the end of this article.

1. Sunshine

Most people get at least some of their vitamin D this way. According to the National Institute of Health (NIH), exposing your face, arms, legs, or back to sunlight for 5–30 minutes twice a week — without sunscreen — is usually sufficient to generate optimal vitamin D levels For instance, smog or an overcast day may reduce the strength of UV rays by up to 60%.
Moreover, older adults and those with darker skin tones may require significantly longer than 30 minutes of sun exposure to produce sufficient vitamin D That said, excess sun exposure can increase your risk of skin cancer. However, several factors can reduce your body’s vitamin D generation, and excess sun exposure isn’t recommended, as it may raise your risk of skin cancer.

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Why Do You Need Vitamin D?

It also plays a role in regulating the immune system. According to a 2011 study published in the “Journal of Investigative Medicine,” “deficiency in vitamin D is associated with increased autoimmunity as well as an increased susceptibility to infection.” The study suggests that supplementing vitamin D could benefit those who are deficient.

Since You’Re Here…

It also appears to keep our muscles healthy too.
Some people say that vitamin D is not really a vitamin because we can make it when our skin is exposed to sunlight. Recommendations

A vitamin D intake of 8.5-10mcg (micrograms) per day is recommended for infants less than one year old, and an intake of 10mcg is recommended for everyone else. Experts have provided the following advice about supplementation:


Provide/use vitamin D drops/supplement

People aged 5+ years Supplement during autumn and winter, but you might choose not to use one during spring and summer Pregnancy and breastfeeding Yes Breastfed babies Yes Formula-fed babies having less than 500ml per day Yes Children 1–4 years old Yes People who do not expose their skin to sunlight regularly Yes People with darker skin Yes

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If you choose to boost your level of vitamin D by exposing your skin to sunlight during spring and summer, make sure that it does not burn.
Considerations for vegans

It is difficult for anyone to get a daily vitamin D intake of 10mcg from food. When choosing a supplement, be aware that some types of vitamin D are not vegan-friendly. Vitamin D2 is always suitable for vegans, but vitamin D3 can be derived from an animal source (such as sheep’s wool) or lichen (a vegan-friendly source).
Vegan supplements contain vitamin D3 from lichen or vitamin D2

Need More Information?

These are general guidelines about nutrition.

1. Mushrooms

Marko Geber / DigitalVision / Getty Images

Mushrooms are the only plant-based sources of vitamin D found in nature. They have a compound which when exposed to sunlight converts into vitamin D2.
Simply spread them out on a baking sheet and put them in the sun from 10 a.m. To 4 p.m. These D levels don’t decrease when cooked, either. And the vitamin D levels have a long shelf life, too, so you can prepare them and then cook or eat them anytime.
Not all wild mushrooms are edible and consuming poisonous mushrooms can make you sick or even kill you, so make sure you buy yours at the grocery store or trusted farmers market.

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