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What Is Vitamin B In Food

Here are five foods that are high in B vitamins:

1. Grains high in B vitamins include:

Brown rice



2. Two large eggs provide 46% of your daily value of vitamin B12 and 39% of your daily value of vitamin B2.
In addition to being a rich source of B vitamins, legumes can also help lower your blood sugar and cholesterol.

1. Salmon

Eight B vitamins — collectively called B complex vitamins. Though each of these vitamins has unique functions, they generally help your body produce energy and make important molecules in your cells (1). Many foods provide B vitamins, but to be considered high in a vitamin, a food must contain at least 20% of the Reference Daily Intake (RDI) per serving.
Alternatively, a food that contains 10–19% of the RDI is considered a good source (2).

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Why You Need B Vitamins

In addition to being a rich source of B vitamins, legumes can also help lower your blood sugar and cholesterol. Citrus Fruits

Citrus fruits — such as oranges, clementines, and lemons — check off at least six of the eight B vitamins.

Avocados contain almost 20 vitamins and minerals. ), and fish (tuna, salmon, etc.). They also contain other important minerals such as potassium, chromium, iron, selenium, and zinc.
Fortified Breakfast Cereals

Many types of breakfast cereals are fortified with various B vitamins, including thiamin (vitamin B1), riboflavin (vitamin B2), vitamin B6, folate, and vitamin B12. Liver

Animal liver is an excellent source of thiamin (vitamin B1) and folate.


E many different types of vitamin B.
This section has information on: thiamin (vitamin B1)

riboflavin (vitamin B2)

niacin (vitamin B3)

pantothenic acid

vitamin B6

biotin (vitamin B7)

folate and folic acid

vitamin B.

Best Food Sources Of Vitamin B

Get all eight B vitamins ​from a variety of foods:

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Whole grains (brown rice, barley, millet) Meat (red meat, poultry, fish) Eggs and dairy products (milk, cheese) Legumes (beans, lentils) ​Seeds and nuts (sunflower seeds, almonds) Dark, leafy vegetables (broccoli, spinach, kai lan) Fruits (citrus fruits, avocados, bananas)

Signs of vitamin B deficiency

The most common signs of vitamin B deficiency, specific to individual B vitamins, are given below:

Vitamin B6 deficiency:

Anaemia Skin disorders such as seborrheic dermatitis Inflammation of the mouth (oral ulcers) Soreness and cracks at the corners of the mouth, chapped lips Tingling or numbness in hands and feet Irritability, confusion and depression

Vitamin B9 deficiency (folate or folic acid):

Anaemia Increased risk of birth defect (in pregnancy) Mood changes (irritability, forgetfulness) Sore mouth and diarrhoea

Vitamin B12 deficiency

Anaemia Tingling or numbness in hands and feet Memory lapses Mood changes (mental confusion, agitation) Unsteadiness and poor muscle coordination

While a vitamin B supplement may be beneficial in certain cases, it’s always best to seek dietary sources first and to discuss any supplements you want to take with your healthcare professional. References:

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Harvard Medical​​ School

Mayo Clinic

Health Promotion Board Singapore

National Institutes of Health

Want To Know Why Vitamin B Is Good For You?

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