
Vitamin C 40Mg

We will do our best to answer this and many other similar questions in this article which should ease your mind regarding this subject.


C, also known as ascorbic acid, has several important functions. These include: helping to protect cells and keeping them healthy

maintaining healthy skin, blood vessels, bones and cartilage

helping with wound healing Lack of vitamin C can lead to scurvy. Good sources of vitamin C Vitamin C is found in a wide variety of fruit and vegetables.
Adults aged 19 to 64 need 40mg of vitamin C a day.

What Happens If I Take Too Much Vitamin C?

Taking less than 1,000mg of vitamin C supplements a day is unlikely to cause any har.

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Important Information

S product since 14 March, this morning 20-30 minutes after taking it I started violently vomiting, pain in the stomach,chills and shivers. I did some research and spoke to my surgery and found that these can be symptoms of zinc over dose toxicity which can be fatal.
I was advised to take strong calcium tablets and drink a glass of milk as calcium stops the zinc from being absorbed by the cells and if situation doesn’t improve to go to emergency. Zinc over dose is serious . I followed the dosage stated on the bottle which gave me 11 times the recommended amount of zinc for women per day as a result I am suffering from symptoms of overdose.
I am familiar with the dosage of vitamin c in these capsules and have been taking 1000mg vitamin c for years with no problem, I switched to this brand as my precious pure vitamin c powder was out of stock.

What Does The Department Of Health Advise?

If you take zinc supplements, don’t take too much as this could be harmful. Don’t take more than 25mg of zinc supplements a day unless advised to by a doctor.”. Everything in quotation is from NHS website.

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Uc2 40Mg + Msm 300Mg + Vitamina C 150Mg

Es entre os ossos, que permitem a mobilidade e flexibilidade dos movimentos, ou seja, quadril, joelho, ombro, cotovelo, tornozelo, dedos, punho, entre outras. Elas são compostas de cartilagem, ligamentos, tendões, bursas (sacos de líquido que ajudam a amortecer ossos e músculos) e também pela membrana sinovial (camada que secreta o líquido sinovial para lubrificar a articulação). Qualquer uma dessas estruturas pode ficar irritada ou inflamada, em resposta a uma variedade de doenças, distúrbios ou movimento muscular.
E isso pode causar as dores articulares, definidas por sintomas como: sensação de desconforto, inflamação, rigidez ou incômodo, que dependendo da gravidade pode limitar as atividades do dia a dia. Só suplementação não é suficiente nesse caso, além de você seguir as recomendações do seu médico, você precisará incluir controle do peso e atividade física.

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