
Vitamin C Rich Foods Vegetarian

1. Bell Peppers

Bell peppers are among the highest sources of Vitamin C, for vegetarians. They have a lot of pro-heart benefits and have also been known to prevent cataracts, blood clot formation in the veins, which in turn reduces the risk of heart strokes and diseases. One half cup of raw red bell peppers packs as much as 140 mg of Vitamin C. However, make sure you don’t overcook the vegetables as many essential nutrients might get destroyed in the process.

1. Kakadu Plums

Just one plum packs 481 mg of vitamin C, which is 530% of the DV (3).

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Of year—with the chilly sweater weather and fun holiday plans also comes cold and flu season. We’ve compiled a list of vegan foods that are packed with vitamin C and are just all-around good for you.
Plus, broccoli is an excellent source of vitamin A, vitamin B6, and dietary fiber. Just one cup of oranges contains over 150 percent of your daily requirement. And spinach is great fresh or steamed, so it’s easy to add more greens to your diet.
Click here for nine vegan salads to make when you want to feel healthy A.

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How Much Do You Need Daily?

Vitamin C is also needed for wound healing and for healthy bones and teeth. On top of that, it helps the body absorb iron from diet.
Smoking cigarettes also lowers the amount of vitamin C in the body, so smokers need to have higher intakes. It’s best to get vitamin C from foods, as a supplement might not have the same effect and vitamin C rich foods tend to have multiple health benefits. Water-soluble nutrients like vitamin C may be lost during cooking.
For example, raw broccoli contains 79 milligrams per 100 grams, steamed broccoli contains 60 milligrams and boiled, just 44 milligrams. Steaming does not cause such significant losses of vitamin C in broccoli. Cooking can remove up to two-thirds of the vitamin C in fresh spinach and canned peas and carrots may lose 85 to 95 per cent of their vitamin C. Depending on the method used, loss of vitamin C during cooking typically ranges from 15 to 55 per cent.
Cooking isn’t all bad, it boosts the level of some nutrients including lycopene in tomatoes. Lycopene may be an even more potent antioxidant than vitamin C. A mixture of fresh and lightly cooked vegetables will provide all the vitamin C you need. If you take large amounts of vitamin C – more than 1,000 milligrams daily – it can cause stomach pain, diarrhoea and/or flatulence.
Contrary to popular belief, vitamin C supplements don’t help prevent colds but a healthy diet with vitamin C rich foods can help boost your immune syste.

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