Vitamins 696x496 1

Vitamin D 3 Effects

1. Vitamin D May Fight Disease

In addition to its primary benefits, research suggests that vitamin D may also play a role in: Reducing the risk of multiple sclerosis (MS). A 2018 review of population-based studies found that low levels of vitamin D are linked with an increased risk of MS A 2018 review of population-based studies found that low levels of vitamin D are linked with an increased risk of MS Although studies are mixed, vitamin D may make severe flu and COVID-19 infections less likely. A recent review found that low vitamin D levels contribute to acute respiratory distress syndrome People who do not have adequate vitamin D levels might be at increased risk of infections and autoimmune diseases, such as rheumatoid arthritis, type 1 diabetes, and inflammatory bowel disease

1. Elevated Blood Levels

In order for vitamin D to reach toxic or dangerous levels in the body, it needs to exceed 100 nanograms (ng) per mL. Hypervitaminosis D is defined as blood vitamin D levels over 100 ng/mL, while vitamin D intoxication is defined as serum levels over 150 ng/mL Recommendations on optimal vitamin D levels vary, but research suggests that levels between 30–60 ng/mL are likely optimal and may help protect against illness and disease Even when taking high dose vitamin D supplements, it’s unlikely that a healthy person’s blood vitamin D levels would come close to reaching excessive or toxic levels. Most cases of vitamin D toxicity are caused by inappropriate supplement dosing and prescription errors. For example, in a 2020 case report, a 73-year-old man developed vitamin D toxicity after taking 10,000 IU of vitamin D per day for many years Her vitamin D levels were discovered to be 265 ng/mL Note that 130,000 IU is over 30 times the generally recommended safe upper limit of 4,000 IU per day. Keep in mind that people who are low or deficient in vitamin D typically need to take much higher levels than the current Tolerable Upper Intake Level (UL) of 4,000 IU per day to reach and maintain optimal vitamin D levels.
However, make sure to consult a healthcare professional on what dosage you should take. Summary Vitamin D levels greater than 100 ng/mL may be harmful.

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Vitamin D is essential for several reasons, including maintaining healthy bones and teeth. Despite its name, vitamin D is not a vitamin, but a prohormone, or precursor of a hormone. Vitamins are nutrients that the body cannot create, and so a person must consume them in the diet.
However, the body can produce vitamin D. In this article, we look at the benefits of vitamin D, what happens to the body when people do not get enough, and how to boost vitamin D intake.


Absorbing sunlight is essential for the skin to produce vitamin D. Sunscreen: A sunscreen with a sun protection factor (SPF) of 30 can reduce the body’s ability to synthesize the vitamin by 95% or more . Geographical location: People who live in northern latitudes or areas of high pollution, work night shifts, or are homebound should aim to consume vitamin D from food sources whenever possible.
Breastfeeding: Infants who exclusively breastfeed need a vitamin D supplement, especially if they have dark skin or have minimal sun exposure. Sources of vitamin D Getting sufficient sunlight is the best way to help the body produce enough vitamin D. Plentiful food sources of vitamin D include: fatty fish, such as salmon, mackerel, and tuna

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egg yolks


beef liver


fortified milk

fortified cereals and juices Here, learn how to get more vitamin D from the sun. One microgram of vitamin D is equal to 40 IU.
Children 1–18 years: 600 IU (15 mcg). 600 IU (15 mcg). Adults over 70 years: 800 IU (20 mcg).
800 IU (20 mcg).

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